Click below for important dates regarding registration, financial aid and business office.  

Important Dates

New students must meet with their Success Navigator to prepare for enrollment. They will then be connected with advising for registration.

Contact Your success navigator

Continuing students are encouraged to review their Degree Plan and Audit in DegreeWorks before registering. For additional support, students can contact their advisor before registration opens to discuss their progress. Advisors are excellent guides providing insight into class choices and career paths. After students have met with their advisor, the remaining steps on this page will guide them through the registration process. Students can find their advisor's contact information in STARS under the Student Services tab. For more information or further assistance, please contact or call (419) 995-8400.

Academic Advising 

To register for classes, contact your Student Success Navigator and/or follow the guide to help you through some basics.

Contact Your success navigator

STARS Online is Rhodes State’s web interface that allows students to register for classes in addition to viewing information such as transcripts and fee assessments. Students may also change personal information such as their address and emergency contacts. If you have any questions, please contact Admissions 419-995-8320.

Step 1

  1. Go to STARS 

Step 2

  1. Click “Current Student/Employee Login”
  2. Enter your USER ID (last name, period, first initial of your first name and the first initial of your middle name. Example Michael Allen Jones’ USER ID would be and Password
  3. Verify your identity by selecting text, email or the authenticator.

Step 3

  1. Click “Student Services” tab
  2. Click “Registration”
  3. Click “Add/Drop Classes”

Step 4

  1. Verify your address and telephone number. If changes need to be made, click on “Update addresses and phones” otherwise,
  2. Click on “Proceed to Registration” If you do not know which classes to register for, returning students contact your advisor and new students contact your success navigator.

Step 5

  1. Click the down arrow to the right of the box
  2. Click the desired term to register (For example, Spring Semester 2022)
  3. Click the box labeled “Submit”

Step 6

  1. If you know the 5-digit Course Reference Number, or CRN, enter these numbers in the boxes located in the “Add Classes Worksheet” section. Click on “Submit Changes” to process your registration. Proceed to Step 9
  2. If you do not know the 5-digit Course Registration Number, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the box labeled “Class Search”. Proceed to Step 7

Step 7

  1. Select the subject you would like by scrolling down through the list and clicking on the desired topic.
  2. All the other fields are optional and do not have to be filled in to begin the search. Fill in as many as you would like to narrow your search.
  3. Click the “Class Search” box

Step 8

  1. Choose your courses by clicking in the empty box to the left of each course listed.
  2. Click “Register” if you would like to register for these courses or click “Add to Worksheet” if you would like to flag them for later consideration. You may also choose to start another search by  clicking “Class Search”.
  3. The system returns you to the “Add/Drop Classes” screen after processing your request.  Proceed to Step 9

Step 9

  1. Please take a few moments to verify your registration before exiting!  After the system processes your requests, the Add/drop screen reappears. 
  2. Scroll down using the scroll- bar on the right-hand side of the screen until you see the Current Schedule section. Check to be sure you are registered for the requested courses. If there are any registration errors, they will appear in the middle of the screen, below the courses processed correctly.

Congratulations! You are now registered for classes!

Contact the Business Office for payment plan options or contact Financial Aid for available grants, scholarships, or loans

If you need assistance or have questions, please contact the Advising Office at or (419) 995-8400.

*Make sure to check out Step 9 to find textbook information

Section numbers define the course delivery mode. Please make note of the following before you register.

  • Face-to-face Modality (Sections 100 – 199)
    Face-to-face courses are taught in a classroom with an instructor present - like traditional college courses.
  • Online Modality (Sections 900 – 949)
    Online courses offer all learning activities through Canvas. Requires a computer and access to high-speed internet. (Class days and times will be listed as TBA. Online courses do not have required meeting times.)
  • Blended Courses (Sections 950 – 999)
    Blended courses replace a portion of traditional face-to-face instruction with web-based online learning (e.g., video lectures, online discussions, or activities).
  • Online and Face-to-face Blend: Blends online and in-person formats on designated days/times. Requires a computer and high speed internet for online portion and student is required to attend face-to-face sessions on campus on designated dates.
  • Online and Remote Blend: Blends online and remote formats and will have designated dates and times to virtually meet with instructor. Requires a computer or phone with a camera, microphone, and high speed internet.
  • Remote and Face-to-face Blend: Blends remote and face-to-face formats, where the student is required to attend sessions on-campus and virtually. Requires a computer or phone with a camera, microphone, and high speed internet.

Some holds may prevent you from registering for classes.

You can check your account for holds by going to STARS>Student Services>Student Records>View Holds

Below are the holds that prevent registration and the offices that can assist you in resolving the issue.  Please find the code that applies to you. 
Type of Hold and Code Office to Contact
AP (Academic Probation) Advising Office (419) 995-8400
BU (Business Office - Ultimate) Business Office (419)995-8473
FA (Financial Aid Exit Counseling) Financial Aid (419) 993-7408
ID (International Student Documentation) Transfer Office (419) 995-8304
LF (Library Fine) Library (419) 995-8401
PP (Payment Plan Business Office (419)995-8473
RC (Residency Check) Transfer Office (419) 995-8304
RS (Reinstatement Hold) Advising Office (419) 995-8400
SI (Selective Service) Registrar’s Office (419) 995-8034

The following information is available for textbooks for each course: Title, Author, Edition,
Copyright year, Publisher, ISBN, New or Used pricing through the Campus Bookstore. To

  1. Go to STARS 
  2. Go to the “Student Services” tab
  3. Click on “Registration”
  4. Go to “Concise Student Schedule” or “Student Detail Schedule”
  5. Click “View Book Information”. If “Unable to find the specified course” appears, click again until information displays.
  1. Go to STARS 
  2. If you need to change your schedule or drop classes, click on “Add/Drop Classes,” click the down arrow in the action column next to the desired course and select “Drop Course-web”. Click on “Submit Changes” at the bottom of the screen.
  1. Go to STARS 
  2. Go to the “Student Services” tab
  3. Click on “Registration”
  4. Go to “Concise Student Schedule” or “Student Detail Schedule.