Rhodes State has a holistic approach to institutional planning, considering perspectives of internal and external constituent groups before implementing plans of action using a comprehensive Strategic and Institutional Effectiveness Planning System (SIEPS) model. Cyclical planning, assessment, and improvement processes are aligned to occur every three years, during which annual results from institutional processes; strategic achievements; and feedback from external audits, surveys, accreditation and approval agencies, are captured to guide budgeting and continuous improvement. Additionally, in compliance with the Ohio Board of Regents, Rhodes State has developed campus Completion Plans with a goal of developing a systemic plan of improvement for institution-wide policy and practice spanning across all levels of the College who have direct impact on student success, persistence and completion.
Model for Institutional Effectiveness
Extended Statement of Institutional Purpose (ESIP)
Strategic Institutional and Effectiveness Planning (SIEP) Map
Strategic Plans
2024-2026 Strategic Plan: All-In Imagine the Possibilities
Strategic Plan 2024-26 YTD Dashboard
2021-2023: Inventing Our Future
Campus Completion Plans
Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) - Campus Completion Plans