An important part of any college student's journey is financial aid. Each year you will need to apply to receive financial aid including grants, scholarships, and loans. Follow the below steps to complete your financial aid process.

Step 1. Complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

To be considered for most forms of financial aid awarded by our office, students must complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Rhodes State College Federal School Code is 010027.

Step 2. Check Your Status

As we begin to process your financial aid, important information like your award letter or any missing documents (verification) will be posted in your STARS Online account. Make sure to check here often to see any updates.

Step 3. Verification

Verification is the process of confirming that information reported by you and your parents or spouse on the FAFSA is accurate. If you are selected for verification, Don’t panic. Each year, student applicants nationwide are randomly selected by the Federal Central Processing System for verification. The college may also randomly select you. If you are selected for verification, we will email your Rhodes State email account with the documentation we will need. If you have questions, email us at or call 419-995-8802.

Step 4. Review & Accept

After your financial aid has been processed, you will receive an award letter in your Rhodes State email. This letter will include additional instructions on how to review your financial aid.