WebCheck Background Checks (Ohio BCI & FBI Checks)
Rhodes State College offers WebCheck Background Checks. Background checks are conducted in the Rhodes State Admissions/Financial Aid Offices located in room 148 in the Public Services building.
Background checks are available by appointment only.
Click Here to Schedule an Appointment
Current College Credit Plus Students:
If you are currently enrolled at Rhodes State as a College Credit Plus student, please contact the Office of K-12 Partnerships to arrange your appointment.
K-12 Partnerships
Fees for the BCI & FBI Checks:
- $28.00 - BCI (Ohio) WebCheck background check only
- $35.00 - FBI (National) WebCheck background check only
- $63.00 – Both BCI & FBI
Important Information:
- ID Required: Applicants will need to provide their social security number and a photo ID (driver's license, state ID, or passport).
- Payment Types Accepted: Payment can be made with a credit card or debit card when scheduling an appointment online. To pay in-person, money orders and checks made payable to Rhodes State College, cash, and all major credit cards.
- Lead Time: The recommended guideline is to allow 30 days for processing from the time the completed application is submitted until the results are returned.
- Minors Needing a Background Check: If under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must accompany the minor to obtain the background check. There will be a form that needs to be signed by a parent or legal guardian allowing us to perform the check.
- Background Check forms need to be filled out completely by the customer.
- Rhodes State College employees cannot be responsible for any information on the form.
- Any mistakes or errors on the form are the responsibility of the applicant.
Contact Information:
Phone: 419.995.8320
Email: backgroundchecks@rhodesstate.edu