Due to critically low temperatures, Rhodes State College will be closed on Tuesday, January 21. This includes clinicals, labs, classes, and services. Click Here for more details.


Because at Rhodes State we understand academic success requires support for emotional and physical well-being, the College provides access to TimelyCare, a telehealth program offering free 24/7 virtual mental and emotional support, health literacy guidance, crisis management, and well-being tools. This is a free service to currently enrolled Rhodes State students. (College Credit Plus students are not eligible for this service at this time.) Additionally, TimelyCare provides medical services and self-care tools ensuring a holistic approach to your overall health.

TimelyCare can be accessed online at TimelyCare.com/RhodesState or via the TimelyCare app.

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Students currently registered for credit courses are eligible to schedule an appointment with TimelyCare using their RSC student email address, allowing them to have peace of mind that their health needs can be addressed.

TimelyCare physicians and counselors can treat/discuss a wide range of common conditions and, after talking to you, will decide on the best course of treatment. Some common presenting issues are: 

    • Stress and anxiety
    • Relationships
    • Depression
    • Cold
    • Sinus infection
    • Influenza (flu)
    • And much more!

TimelyCare Contact: (833) 484-6359

  • TalkNow: On-demand 24/7, mental and emotional support, health literacy guidance, and crisis management by masters-level behavioral health professionals.
  • Self-Care Journeys: 24/7/365 access to evidence-based tools and techniques to navigate the unique health challenges you face.
  • Scheduled Medical Care: Schedule appointments and seek treatment for over 120 common issues, including allergies, a cold, the flu, and dermatology.
  • Scheduled Counseling: Schedule appointments with the providers of their choice, at times that work for them, typically within 7 days.
  • MedicalNow: Unlimited, 24/7, on-demand service provides urgent and low-acuity medical care.
  • Health Coaching: Through personal health coaching, you can receive guidance to support lifestyle changes, healthy habits, and the transition from home to campus life.
  • Peer Community: 24/7, inclusive, and positive support system for students. Day or night, it helps students know they are not alone in their health and well-being journeys.

Watch Video

Download the app:

Apple Store

Google Play

Create an account: 

  1. Visit TimelyCare.com/RhodesState, or if using a mobile phone or tablet, download the TimelyCare app. After downloading the app, select "Sign Up for TimelyCare."
  2. Select 'Sign In' at the top of the page. 
  3. Set up an account using your rhodesstate.edu email address and your name as it appears on your College account. 
  4. If prompted, click "Log in" 
If you experience difficulties, please call TimelyCare at 833.484.6359.