Rhodes State and Ohio State Lima Streamline Transfer Process for Social Work Students

Rhodes State and Ohio State Lima Streamline Transfer Process for Social Work Students


LIMA, Ohio –The Ohio State University at Lima and Rhodes State College have entered an articulation agreement to simplify the transfer process for students pursuing social work education.

Key highlights of the agreement include:


  1. Seamless Transition: Students completing Rhodes State's Addictions, Mental Health, and Social Work Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree program can seamlessly transition to Ohio State's Bachelor of Science in Social Work program at Ohio State Lima upon meeting admission criteria.
  2. Academic Excellence: Transfer students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale.
  3. Personalized Support: Dedicated staff members from both institutions will be available to provide personalized support and guidance to transfer students.


This partnership represents a significant step forward in enhancing the transfer experience for social work students and underscores the commitment of Ohio State Lima and Rhodes State College to support student success in social work education.

"Articulation agreements between two quality institutions can be a powerful tool for saving students time and money. This agreement between Rhodes State and Ohio State Lima ensures that courses from Rhodes State students will be accepted at Ohio State Lima, enabling our graduates the opportunity to pursue a bachelor’s degree in their chosen field of study. Dr. Young and I will continue to work together to pursue additional articulation agreements for our community, " said Dr. Cynthia E. Spiers, President of Rhodes State College.

The articulation agreement will open up yet another pipeline of qualified students seeking to become licensed social workers, a field which is in high demand across both Ohio and the United States.

“This partnership is a unique opportunity for our two institutions to come together and address critical workforce shortages in our community,” said Dr. Margaret Young, interim dean and director at Ohio State Lima. “We anticipate this is only the first of these agreements that we will enter into. Dr. Spiers and I are committed to working together to support our students and the communities of northwest and west-central Ohio.”

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