A Transformative Shift for Rhodes State College’s Board of Trustees

The James A. Rhodes State College Board of Trustees, composed of seven Allen County residents, has oversight for the legal, statutory, and fiduciary authority and responsibility for the College. Rhodes State College has been governed by a seven (7) member Board - two (2) appointed by the Governor and five (5) appointed by a caucus of the presidents, or their representatives, of the city and exempted village boards of education and the governing boards of service centers in the technical college district.

Legislation has changed that process. Beginning January 2024, the College’s non-gubernatorial trustee appointments will be selected via a three (3) or five (5) member Trustee Selection Committee (TSC), consisting of local business, civic, or nonprofit leaders. The TSC will be appointed by the Executive Committee of the College Board of Trustees. A Trustee will be selected from individuals nominated for consideration by the Board or any other applicant. Generally, Trustees selected by the TSC shall hold leadership positions within significant industries in Rhodes States’ district. Trustees shall be officially appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate.

“This transformation reflects a paradigm shift toward advancing the workforce,” stated Butch Kirk, Rhodes State College Board Chair. “We have a responsibility to those who live and work within our communities and to provide the much needed workforce to advance economic development.”

“The trustees have an indispensable role and their significance has magnified, becoming pivotal in steering our organization into a successful and sustainable future,” added Rhodes State College President Cynthia E. Spiers.