Rhodes State College Faculty Complete Inaugural OACC Leadership Class



LIMA, Ohio, October 30, 2020 – Rhodes State College faculty members, Dr. Joseph Abbott, Chair and of Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences and Dr. Rhea Busick, Chair and Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, recently graduated from the inaugural Ohio Association of Community Colleges (OACC) Leadership Academy for Student Success held in Columbus Ohio.

Abbott and Busick were two of more than 40 leaders, representing Ohio’s community colleges, who graduated from this program earlier this month. Sponsored by the OACC, the academy is the first of its kind in the nation to gather mid-level faculty and staff for a year of training, exchanging ideas and immersion in how to promote student success.

“The fellows learned how to more effectively lead all the changes underway at our colleges – transformational changes – to improve student success,” said Laura Rittner, executive director of the OACC’s Success Center for Ohio Community Colleges. “We brought together people who have different roles at colleges so they could have a deeper understanding of how all the parts of each school can work together to usher in these student success models.”