The assessment process at Rhodes State confirms success of student learning across curricular and co-curricular activities and verifies the indirect impact on student learning across non-academic departments. Rhodes State uses the assessment process to facilitate systematic culture of evidence implement continuous improvement strategies and determine effectiveness of programs, activities and initiatives implemented across the College. Accreditation requirements, best practices, and various assessment networks, inform and provide insight to curricular offerings and co-curricular activities that help guide assessment processes at the College.
What is Assessment?
Assessment is a continuous process that focuses on understanding and improving student learning (UMass, 2001). It involves making expectations explicit and transparent while setting the appropriate criteria and standards for learning quality. Assessment includes systematically collecting, analyzing and interpreting evidence to determine how effective the institution is performing against its stated objectives and targets. Rhodes State further describes assessment as the process for evaluating effectiveness and whether or not the strategic/operational actions (established during the planning cycle) at the course, program/unit and administrative levels are being met.
Rhodes State College has six Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs), which are also the General Education Outcomes for academic programs, that are assessed at the course, program and institutional levels. The ILOs are: (1) Civic, Professional, and Ethical Responsibility (CPER); (2) Cultural and Diversity Awareness (CDA); (3) Critical Thinking (CT); (4) Effective Communication (EC); (5) Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning (QSR); and (6) Technological Proficiency (TP). Our ability to affect growth is realized only through a systematic, and on-going process of collecting, assessing and continuously improving teaching and learning.
Institutional Learning Outcomes
Civic, Professional, and Ethical Responsibility
Graduates will:
- Demonstrate professional skills and participate in activities that are necessary for success in one’s career or academic discipline.
- Recognize civic and ethical responsibilities associated with the rights and expectations as citizens in a democratic society.
Cultural and Diversity Awareness
Graduates will:
- Understand and integrate knowledge of cultural worldviews, reflect attitudes of openness and curiosity, and illustrate empathy and understanding of own and other cultures.
- Exercise awareness of the interdependence of diversity factors (i.e. culture, history, sexual orientation, psychological functioning, education, economics, environment, language, politics, age, gender, physical challenges, class, religion, etc.).
Critical Thinking
Graduates will demonstrate ability to interpret meaning in decision-making and apply information to engage in innovative problem-solving strategies.
Effective Communication
Graduates will apply knowledge of communication patterns and effectively interpret, use, and adapt various contexts or presentation methods to appropriate audiences.
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning
Graduates will understand and appropriately apply mathematics and scientific principles and methods.
Technological Proficiency
Graduates will demonstrate the ability to utilize knowledge and skills to effectively incorporate technology into one’s career or academic discipline.