Do you ever feel like you could use a little extra support? Are you concerned for a friend or student, and worried that they might not have the means to meet their basic needs? Do you wonder how to get help?

If any of these questions applies to you, then you should contact the Student Advocate Case Manager, Aaron Atherton. Aaron recently started working with Rhodes State College and was brought, specifically, to help YOU. Aaron is here to help guide you through this important and complex stage of your life, and help you get access to the various supports and services that are available both on-campus and in your community.

Aaron Atherton

Student Advocate Case Manager

  • Food
  • Housing
  • Mental Health Services
  • Clothing or Other Household Items
  • Childcare
  • Finances
  • Transportation
If you or someone you know may benefit from assistance, please fill out a referral form here.