The College is observing Summer hours May 13-July 26. Click here for details.

Highly functioning autistic individuals have the characteristics that are a perfect match for the duties of a CNC machine operator. The Rhodes State Uniquely-Abled Academy will provide the training required to operate a CNC machine. The program consists of 16 weeks or 420 hours of classroom training, not only in the CNC operation, but also in the soft skills needed to obtain a position and keep it. Rhodes State will work with manufacturers to place course completers and provide post-hire support to the student and coaching to employers.

Interested in Applying to the Uniquely-Abled Academy? 

David haus will personally guide you throughout your Academy journey. Contact David today at or (419) 995-8422 to schedule your open house visit.

  1. Schedule an open house visit.
  2. Complete the UAA application.
  3. Complete required entrance testing.
  4. Participate in a series of interviews.
  5. Upon acceptance into the Academy, complete the College application.
  6. Schedule classes.
  7. Attend classes on campus.
David Haus
(419) 995-8422